Princely Reuss Honor Cross

GRE001  Fürstlich Reussisches Ehrenkreuz

  • Decoration was instituted by Fürst Heinrich XIV of the Reuss Younger Line on 24 May 1869.
  • Decoration was awarded to civil and military individuals who rendered outstanding service to the Prince and Principality.
  • Decoration was originally awarded in three classes, but in 1885 was added the 4th class, as well the 1st Class could be awarded with crown. In 1909, the pinback Officer's Cross was created ( ranking between the 1st and 2nd Classes) and all Classes could be awarded with crown to indicate special merit.
  • In 1885, the Silver Merit Medal was added and the Gold Merit Medal was added in 1897.

  • In 1909, the Decorations conferred for military service were awarded with swords.
  • On 9 January 1915, the "war ribbon" of yellow with red and black stripes near each edge was authorized. It was used for awards with swords and for non-swords awards which were for merit on the homefront in support of the war effort.

Principality of Reuss